I’m slightly ashamed to admit that I just made a discovery about C++ classes that I probably should have realised years ago.

If you have something like

class A {


    virtual void fn() { cout << "I'm A" << endl;} ;

} ;

class B : public A {


    void fn() { cout << "I'm B" << endl ;} ;

} ;

void callfn(A a){

  a.fn() ;


it doesn’t do what I expected at all…

For instance, consider the code

  A a; B b;

  callfn(a) ; callfn (b) ;

This compiles just fine – but the output is

I'm A

I'm A


In fact, you need to be using pointers to get the behaviour I was after

void callfn(A *a){

  a->fn() ;



  A a; B b;

  callfn(&a) ; callfn (&b) ;

This exhibits the behaviour I was looking for, namely:

I'm A

I'm B

It’s probably very obvious why this is the case, but it stumped me for a bit.